Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Just a little bit of effort

Isn't it fun to swipe down the newsfeed related to global environmental issues? Why bother reading them anyway. And then sometimes you can't help but browse such articles when their dramatic headlines mesmerize us. Then what? The next step ofcourse is for you to be the Umpire. Who didn't do what and who is to be blamed? Ugh! the snail paced road construction, the futile government and not to forget money-grubbing industries.

Wait, did you miss something?? No? What about you? Have you been contributing to this tragedy? Now you might snort thinking how on earth would the tobacco smoke I puff into the air for fun contribute to global air pollution. Or, how the plastics I burn in my backyard add to it. Well, stating the fact, your little mischief adds to the huge adversity. Can you do anything to abate the pollution? Good news for those willing to contribute, the answer is an yes.

A report by The Nature Conservancy has qualified the fact that nature can help cities address the problems of air pollution. A global investment of 100 million dollars per year in tree planting and maintenance can provide and offer 68 million people measurable reductions in fine particulate matter pollution. What if we plant a sapling each? Like the quote says, "Together we can do great things" your little effort as a human won't do any harm. Let's be self less and make an effort. We didn't inherit earth from our ancestors rather borrowed it from our descendants.

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